Every day, we find ourselves writing, whether that be a simple note, an essay, a report, a blog, or content for an entire website. Writing is part of our daily lives. Words reflect our personality whether that be personal or of your business brand. Whether they are spoken or written, words create the first impression. They are the sales pitch that draws your audience in and leads to conversions.
Therefore, it is important to hone your skills to communicate clearly and in the language of your target audience. Fear not, it’s easier than you think. Here are a few tips to get you started and help you communicate better through your written words.
1. Keep it brief
In this fast-moving world, nobody has time to read long wordy sentences and pieces of content. The best way to get your message across so that it is clear and concise is to:
Keep it short and sweet.
Use words that are easier to read and understand. Ask yourself, can a 5-year-old understand this?
Write shorter sentences.
Provide bite-size information that is easy to digest.
Use bullet points to break down key bits of information.
You get the gist.
2. Read every day to increase your vocabulary
Reading not only takes you on great adventures and acquaints you with new characters, but it’s also a great way to learn new words. It allows you to explore the use of words in different tones and contexts. With continuous reading, you can improve your use of grammar and pick up on the use of punctuation.
3. Get inspired by research
As the saying goes – Research is King! Before diving deep into writing about a topic, it’s important to understand what it is you are writing about. How much we know about the topic reflects within our writing and guess what the readers pick up on this.
Therefore, before you begin typing away remember to thoroughly read and research. Take notes and let that knowledge sink in deep.
4. Write, write, and keep writing
The best way to learn a craft is by consistently practising it with the goal and desire to improve each time. As you begin to write you will start to find yourself questioning if punctuation needs to be used or is the grammar correct and even begin to pay attention to the sentence structure.
As they say, practice makes perfect!
Here’s a little tip: read what you write out loud to yourself. You will find that not only will you pick up on errors and use of tone and language, but also note where you naturally pause within a sentence, allowing you to recognise where the commas go.
5. Create an outline
To avoid yourself from rambling on about a topic, which is extremely easy to do, follow these simple steps to create an organised structure for your content:
Determine your objective.
Write down the main points you wish to cover.
Ensure you cover the 5 Ws – Who, what, where, when, why – oh and there is also how.
There are many more tips, but these should get you started for now. Go ahead give them ago!
In the meantime, if you would like some assistance on a project give me a call on 0452588384 or email vishma@mistryofwords.com and let’s boost those conversions through some creative engaging copy.